021-51698789 MENU


ENON 专注独特设计 ENON Designs with New Philosophy ENON丰富的行业经验和社会影响力使其设计师对设计方向及趋势做出权威预测。尤其在空间导向方面,我们的设计遥遥领先, 能够让人们在复杂空间寻找有 效指示的同时感受到艺术之美和人文情怀, 而不仅仅是简单的标志和平面图。凭借多年经验,我们的设计传承古今, 引领潮流,承担了各种五星级酒店项目、文化旅游项目、多媒体项目等。ENON的目标是创造价值,提高行业标准 , 为客户和不同类型的项目提供独特的设计和高品质的服务。 ENON s rich experience and social recognition enables its designers make a right predictions of current design trend. Our leading design in way-finding makes it easier for people to find their way around complex sites and facilities, meanwhile , people can be touched by the aesthetics of art and humane sentiments, rather than simplegraphics .Weinherit ancient and modern thoughts to lead current design trend, and we aim at value creation and standard improvement to provide unique design for all clients and projects. 创新是我们一直坚持的理念,我们不断为各团队注入年轻设计人才和高级管理人才,不同文化和学识背景在此汇聚一堂,来自平面设计、艺术、建筑、工程、动画设计、环艺设计、城市规划等专业。这些智慧个体身上的独一性和多元性使我们在各项项目设计中更游刃有余,严格把控项目进度,力求项目尽善尽美。 We believe in innovation to drive our design and constantly infuse various young talents with diverse backgrounds in graphic design, fine arts, architecture, engineering, industrial design, environmental design, and urban planning. The unique diversity in each talented individual lead to efficiency of project management. ENON 砥砺前行不忘初心 ENON Remain True to Our Mission ENON设计是全国知名的空间视觉设计公司,主要从事空间视觉识别及多媒体 影视传达设计、开发和品牌互动等专业服务。我们了解空间视觉设计对于人们的 互动有着怎样的影响力,以及其设计对周边环境的重要性。自2014年成立以来,我们坚守初心、创新、匠心的设计理念和前沿的国际标准, 组建了专业的设计团队,为客户提供稳定优质的各类服务,通过设计提升人们生活品质是ENON的使命。 As national well-known leading design company, ENON provides professional service of indoor and outdoorvisual communications,exploitation and brand engagement . We realize how spatial visual design affects peoples interactions and how important it is to the surrounding environment . Adhere to the philosophy of Initiative, Innovation , Ingenuity and cutting - edge international standard , we establish a professional designteam to provideclients with stable and high-quality services. It is ENONs mission to offer people an elegant life by design. ENON致力于精诚客户服务 YOU are VIP clients for ENON ENON始终坚持以人为本,注重客户服务,陆续与国内多家国际酒店集团合作诸如IHG洲际集团、Marriott万豪集团等国际知名酒店管理公司 ;并且为中粮集团、大连一方集团、金融街控股集团、证大集团、南旋集团、绿地集团、华新万城、鹏欣集团,上置集团等多家国内外著名开发商精诚服务。ENON始终坚持无论项目大小,均以客户至上为原则,秉承精诚服务的理念,为客户创造价值,力求双赢。 With the beliefs of humanity and client satisfaction, we have cooperated with worldwide well-known hotel groups as IHG, Marriott, also provided excellent services to COFCO Group , Yifang Group, Financial Street Holdings, Zendai Group, Nameson Group , Greenland Group , Huaxin Wancheng Group , Pengxin Group, SRE Group etc .ENON is committed to client satisfaction no matter what kinds of project undertaken to reach a win-win situation for clients.